This is Keith. Keith is something. He enjoys picking on Angelo.Keith is the star of the comic. An angel with problems that aren't actually problems. Just a regular moron wandering the earth in search for the truth of existance...not really. He's mean when he wants to be, blunt, and likes to pick on Angelo. He is just an ordinary guy.
This is Angelo. Angelo is a nice guy, and hardly ever gets angry or annoyed, but if he does get angry at you, your days are numbered (unless you're Keith or Brad.) He likes sleeping and hugs, and generally being a nuisance to Keith. He has some rather fortunate or unfortunate magical powers (depending on who you are) that he obtained from practicing the art of wicca...Keith just likes to call him the "wosey pagen boy."
Never found without his BIG-ASS-HEADPHONES, or glasses (for he would not be able to see...Dave is a computer wizz, loves games and women. His special ability is that he can summon innanimate objects at his will. They materalise out of no where when he wants....the only problem, is that he often doesn't get what he wants.
Well, what to say? He's a genius, and insane. He like horses, but he doesn't. He enjoys making up words and insulting stupid people. Enjoys kicking ass in X-men vs. Street Fighter and attracting flies. He is often in his straight jacket to avoid him biting off his limbs, but he could get out of it is he really wanted to. Always smiling and wearing his glasses, his vision is poor but his Hulk Smash is formidable (special move that I have yet to see.)
Best mode of torture: Lock him in a room with yaoi anime playing.
Not to be fooled by her sweet composition and small size, Bich (pronounced BICK...get it right fools)can often be found kicking some poor victims ass....literally. He boots are twice the size of her, and would hurt very much were your face to come in contact with them. An intelligent girl who can often be found hanging around Dave and Bobby. The magnet of many admirers she tends not to do anything about it. She passes her time making cute noises and complaining about something or other. It is best not to take her to see scary movies. Her special ability is kicking...lots of it, and never getting tired of it.
Just a regular guy. He dumped the whore to go out with Angelo. Overly posessive of Angelo (not that Angelo really minds) he is simple and intellegent. He is probably the most sane of the lot, except for the whole obsessive thing with Angelo. Brad has the magical ability to produce anything he wants from "off panel." Quite a handy ability if you are fighting zombies, and trying to save the world. There isn't much to say about Brad.

Jun-Wei comming soon!!...once my scanner works.